
All rights are reserved on everything on this website. No material may be mirrored or copied without my express permission. Copyrights belong to myself and/or to the prospective owner's of displaid works. ©2012 Greg Benner

Icons used on this site are from The Noun Project collection They may not be redistributed in any way shape or form. They belong to their respective designers as listed below.

  Caroline Lancaster, from The Noun Project   Luis Martins   Okan Benn, from The Noun Project   The Noun Project   The Noun Project   WC Fonts   The Noun Project   Public Domain   Miguel Caldeira, from The Noun Project   Marc Serre, from The Noun Project   The Noun Project   Simon Child, from The Noun Project   Marco Davanzo, from The Noun Project   Kyle Scott, from The Noun Project   Public Domain   Public Domain   Public Domain   Julia Soderberg, from The Noun Project   WC Fonts   from The Noun Project   James Evans, from The Noun Project   Karl Turner, from The Noun Project   Proletkult Graphik, from The Noun Project   Public Domain from The Noun Project   WC Fonts   from The Noun Project   WC Fonts   WC Fonts   WC Fonts   The Noun Project   Kenneth Von Alt, from The Noun Project   Edward Boatman, from The Noun Project   William J. Salvador, from The Noun Project   Reinaldo Weber, from The Noun Project   Public Domain   Public Domain   WC Fonts

All rights reserved on all fonts used on this site including but not limited to:

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